Welcome to Sunrise Range! We are a modern, small-town mystery and slice-of-life server in a low-magic supernatural setting. The story takes place on Northern California's Lost Coast, in the fictional Kingjaw County. There are only three small cities in this county, all surrounded by miles upon miles of backcountry forests and mountain ranges. Although Kingjaw County is a bright, vibrant area full of beautiful vistas and unique "NorCal" culture, there is a dark side to the area as well: Lately, people have been going missing, and a few have been found dead. The county's government has placed the blame on the area's thriving population of mountain lions and have issued a bounty of $500 per mountain lion. Hunters and activists alike are flooding into the area to mingle with the already eclectic population of pot growers, transients, and Bigfoot enthusiasts. Despite this, there's debate over whether mountain lions are truly to blame for these tragic accidents; the evidence is inconclusive, and there are other, stranger theories afoot...Although we do have this overarching plot, it's still a sandbox roleplay. Every player is encouraged to explore their own plots and storylines outside of it. After all, the "main" storyline is not so much a mystery to be solved so much as a setting and situation to play out. That being said, there will be opportunities to jump in as we go, along with other fun events.Our Roleplay Rating is 3-3-3, which means we allow graphic descriptions of sex and violence and all the foul language you can think of!

If you're interested in joining, you can enter your Discord username (case sensitive; please include the 4-digit number as well) and we will reach out to you to send an invitation to the server!

the lost coast

The Lost Coast is a mostly natural and undeveloped area of the California North Coast in Humboldt and Mendocino Counties, which includes the King Range. It was named the "Lost Coast" after the area experienced depopulation in the 1930s. In addition, the steepness and related geotechnical challenges of the coastal mountains made this stretch of coastline too costly for state highway or county road builders to establish routes through the area, leaving it the most undeveloped and remote portion of the California coast. Without any major highways, communities in the Lost Coast region such as Petrolia, Shelter Cove, and Whitethorn are isolated from the rest of California.The region lies roughly between Rockport and Ferndale. At the south end, State Route 1, which runs very close along the coast for most of its length, suddenly turns inland at Rockport before merging with U.S. Route 101 at Leggett. At the north end, State Route 211 begins its journey at Ferndale, heading towards Highway 101 in Fernbridge. Section 511 of the California Streets and Highways Code still says that "Route 211 is from Route 1 near Rockport to Route 101 near Fernbridge", but it is unlikely that the portion south of Ferndale will be built. Most of the region's coastline is now part of either Sinkyone Wilderness State Park or King Range National Conservation Area.— taken from the Lost Coast Wikipedia page

Although the county of Kingjaw and the cities contained within it are fictional, the Lost Coast itself is very real. In our game, we've replaced the King Range with the Sunrise Range, which stretches north and south of a narrow pass where our three main cities exist: Panther Park, Rammouth, and Kingjaw.

norcal culture

Northern California is a land of green mountains, golden valleys, and sheer headlands. Past Sacramento, the towns get smaller and smaller. But unlike some other places, where small towns can be synonymous backwater ideals and stagnating culture, NorCal's small towns are an artist's paradise. Eco-friendly boutiques, austere wineries, and new-age book stores exist in small pockets of civilization, tucked deep inside ancient redwood forests and deep mountain valleys.Here in the woods, people come from all over to search for Bigfoot or to tour the great Redwood Highway or hike the Lost Coast trail. Conservationists and outdoor enthusiasts delight in the beauty of the untamed and untouched wilderness. Pot growers, on the other hand, appreciate it for its deep cover and climate, and attract a seasonal supply of pickers and trimmers year after year. Vineyard owners, too, have come to profit off the rich soil, filling the local shops with a fabulous array of wines and ciders.Others were born here, their families thriving off of and living alongside the wealth of mother nature. Salmon festivals celebrate the sea and inland waterways. Small museums preserve the struggles of native peoples. National and state parks, forests, preserves, and recreation areas cover almost the entire area, blanketing as much wilderness as possible with the government's protection.

the other place

Other names for these “fissure” paths are Alway Paths (being that they leads in All directions), fizzer trails (as the dreamlike sensation of following one is often described as “fizzy”) and fisher trails (because, sometimes, you’re being lured like a fat trout to some unknown but likely nefarious end).Many (but not all) of these paths lead to The Other Place, a plane adjacent to our own. It has the same basic geographical layout as world we live in, but these wilds are virtually untouched by humankind. Its inhabitants are largely the same as the ones found in the real world, but sometimes, evidence of stranger, more frightening creatures can be found.Characters more in touch with the Wild Magic are able to find their way to the Other Place (and onto fissure trails in general) more often than their more mundane counterparts. Most humans never find themselves on one of these strange pathways, or at least never realize that they were on one.Humans out of tune with the Wild Magic will also find memories of the Other Place warped and dream-like once they’ve returned to our world. Some might discount such memories entirely.

roleplay etiquette


01. Powerplay: Controlling other people’s characters. This includes controlling direct actions and making assumptions about actions.

  • For example, if I’m playing Hayley and you’re playing Bob, the following “posts” would both be powerplay:

  • “Hayley punched Bob in the face, and Bob screamed in pain.” In this post, I directly specify what your character is doing. This is not allowed. I can only control my own character’s actions.

  • “Hayley punched Bob in the face. She stood there for a moment and scrolled through her phone. Then she put on some mascara.” In this post, I assume that Bob does not immediately punch Hayley back. If I act against a character, I need to give them a chance to react before carrying on.

  • There is another aspect of powerplay called “steamrolling”. Hayley doesn’t need to punch Bob in the face to garner a reaction, after all. They might just be having a casual conversation. I still need to leave room for Bob’s character to respond.

  • It can be hard to tell when to cut a post off in order to make a post that’s both respectful of powerplay rules and that leaves plenty for your roleplay partner to respond to. If you’re not sure, reach out to the other player and ask!

  • If you feel your character is being steamrolled or powerplayed, simply reach out and respectfully address the problem. “Hey, I think my character would have responded to this part of your post, and it might change the way that your character reacts, too! Can we roll back a bit?” Easy breezy.

02. Meta-gaming: Using out-of-character knowledge to affect in-character actions. Your characters don’t know everything that you know! They should act only on what can be determined in-character. If you have out-of-character concerns, that’s something to talk about out-of-character.

03. Communication, Collaboration, Compromise: The three C’s of good roleplay!

  • COMMUNICATE your concerns, preferences, and desires! Your partners can’t read your mind! If there’s something you want or something you’re worried about, people can only help you if they know about it.

  • In the same vein, make sure you know about the concerns, preferences, and desires of your partners! Don’t make assumptions.

  • COLLABORATE with others! In roleplay, everyone’s character is the “main” character. If you want people to care about your character’s arcs and actions, you need to put work into other people’s storylines as well.

  • COMPROMISE with your roleplay partners. In a story with multiple authors, sometimes the script needs some tweaking. The goal is for each player to play their characters as they like. Sometimes this takes some out-of-character collaboration to make sure everything runs smoothly.



  • If you wish to join a scene that already involves two or more people, please run it by them before entering your character. This way, they can politely decline if they’re crunched for time or preparing to end that scene.

  • On the flipside, it’s strongly encouraged to allow others to enter your scenes. It’s a group roleplay.


  • Dice are optional, and players involved may choose if they wish to use them. Some events will require dice rolls.


  • We mean for this game to be very open and freeform, but please limit any supernatural activity to the scope of the game. Remember: we are all afraid of the dark.


  • Be able to parse IC from OOC interactions. Know that if someone else’s character is rude or antagonistic toward yours, it is not a personal attack on you. Some characters are assholes.

  • By the same token, relationships developed between characters do not automatically extend to real life, so don’t be creepy.

  • Just because someone’s character does or says something does not mean the writer condones the behavior.


  • There is no established minimum word count for posts. However, please make sure to give partners something to respond to. Also note that posts should be descriptive.

  • The length of posts may vary from one situation to the next; for example, a conversation that is primarily dialogue may consist of shorter posts.

  • If members complain about your post length/content, it will be reviewed by staff. Any issues will be discussed, and moderators will advise you on ways to improve. Failure to put forth effort may result in removal from the group.


  • Murder List — if you want your character to be able to be murdered for plot purposes, DM me and I’ll put you on a list so that murderers can get your name from me.

  • Don’t murder people who aren’t on the murder list without prior discussion.

  • But also keep in mind that in-character actions have in-character consequences. Don’t do murder-worthy things if you don’t want to be murdered.


  • Include a content warning at the beginning of posts that might be triggering/upsetting, and spoiler the specific parts.


  • Faceclaims are not required, but when used, must be images of real people or realistic artwork. No anime or cartoons.


  • If your server nickname is not taggable, it will be changed to something that is.

Magic Guidelines

Alongside the very real aspects of NorCal wilderness and culture, our setting explores the concept of wild magic. We don't have the magical races typical to many supernatural settings. Instead, we roll with the concept that magic is something that exists almost everywhere, but is only rarely manipulated by the human race.This can manifest in characters as abilities like shape-shifting (into a single animal form), clairvoyance, or preternatural enhancements to regular human skills such as tracking, running, stamina, cooking, singing, etc.This doesn’t mean your character can’t call themself a witch or a selkie or a psychic. Just that these things are all fueled by the same magic manifesting in different ways, regardless of what they believe.The Wild Magic has also changed the environment. This area in particular is prone to ridiculous levels of coincidence and serendipity, or in some unfortunate cases, “unlucky” streaks so terrible they could almost be called curses.And then, in the forest especially, there are the “fissure” paths. Trails that look like any other, except that they lead you to strange, impossible places...

Whether you choose an item from the list below or create your own ability for your character, you will need to thoroughly describe it beyond a bullet-point.

Shapeshifting or something like:

  • Fire resistance

  • Green thumb; natural intuitivity

  • Able to form a preternaturally strong bond with animals

  • Summon bears (but not control them)

  • Always know what comes next when someone says, "Guess what?"

  • Navigation; always oriented

  • Vague premonitions (there's about to be an earthquake)

  • Spidey-sense

  • Minor illusions (glamour)

  • Minor enchantments (a seamstress who can make a sweater that's always a comfortable temperature)

  • Create protective wards (a marking/enchantment on a structure or object)

  • Minor healing abilities; help a wound mend more quickly

But not powers such as:

  • Flight

  • Elemental manipulation (fire, air, water, earth)

  • Control others/animals

  • Shapeshift into fantastical creatures

  • Teleportation

  • Magical insta-healing

  • Necromancy

  • Invisibility

  • Vampirism

  • Immortality

  • Conjuration


All Roleplay will take place in Threads that can be created in the relevant location channels. To create a thread, click the “+” button to the left of your message bar and choose the “create thread” option. You can name these threads as creatively as you like!We operate on a fluid timeline. Time passes in game at approximately the same rate as it does in real life! However, you can write in multiple threads at once and use your own (and your collaborators’!) judgement when determining your character’s timeline. Please exercise caution when accepting new threads! Although the number of threads allowed at one time is not currently restricted, please be sure you will have time to reply to all your partners.The Mystery of the missing people is not a plotline that is mean to be solved quickly. Rather, it is meant to set a tense and uncertain mood in an otherwise peaceful, vibrant place. All players are encouraged to create their own plotlines. Crime, romance, suspense, adventure, and slice-of-life are all very welcome themes, here!That being said, if you want to get involved in the “main” storyline, there will be opportunities as the game progresses. Check our in-server bulletin board for updates, or else check out the #rp-requests channel to see what other people are up to!




  • #announcements: Staff-posted updates.

  • #welcome: Here you will find the rules, a quick guide on getting started, and a link to this site.

  • #player-intros: Introduce yourself however you like! A template is pinned in the channel if you don't know where to begin.

  • #maps-and-places: Maps of various locations in Sunrise Range.

  • #submit: Post character applications here.


  • #reception: Prior to acceptance, this is the only area where newbies can chat. Please feel free to ask questions in this space!

  • #chit-chat: General OOC chatting area.

  • #media: Playlists, memes, etc. go here. Please try not to spam the #chit-chat channel with them.

  • #vibe-check: Various images and media that give a feel for the setting.


  • #bulletin-board: Admin posted roleplay requests; includes events or possible discoveries, etc.

  • #roleplay-requests: This is the out of character classifieds. If you have an idea and need someone to help you write it, this is the place to do your interest check! You can also request character connections in this channel.

  • #roleplay-discussion: Discuss RP happenings without getting lost in the general chat area.

  • #character-directory: Every character has a thread you can decorate and add info to as you wish. The main channel has a short blurb about each accepted character.

  • #bots-and-dice: Set up Tupperbox and roll dice in this channel. For help with using bots, click here.


  • #chatroom: An IC only online chatroom!

  • #emails: IC email messages.

  • #phone-calls: Make a thread for character phone conversations.

  • #texts: IC text messages.


  • IC RP location channels located within Kingjaw County. Check pins!


  • IC RP location channels located within the Other Place. Check pins!


Tupperbox is a Discord bot that allows you to send messages "as" your characters. It's especially useful when you have multiple and are using the chatroom, email, and texting channels. If you don't know how to use Tupperbox, don't worry! The basics are:Create a Tupper for your character.

Typing tul! allows you to utilize Tupperbox's commands within the appropriate channels. To create a Tupper, you'll need to type tul!register "{character's name}" {prefix}:textThe prefix is how you will send messages as your character. In the example above, to send a message as Quatch, the player must type quatch: before their post. The prefix can be an emoji, a symbol; anything you'd like!Now you should:Add avatar and test.

You can use any image you like to represent your character. To add it, type tul!avatar {character's name} then hit the plus sign on the left of the message box to upload the image.Test your Tupper by entering your prefix, then a message. In the example above, you can see how this looks after the message sends.This is the gist of Tupperbox for the purposes of this RP; however, if you'd like to see all of its functions, check out the developer's website here.


Rolling the dice is easy!The simplest way is to type !d{number of sides for the dice}.For example, !d20. The bot will tell you what number you landed on.

If you need to add modifiers, you can enter + or - a number. For example, !d6+4.

The dice can also help you with random choices. If you would like the dice bot to select an item out of a list at random, enter: !1L[item 1, item 2, item 3]


Within an IC location or chat channel, click the hash tag icon with the message bubble on top of it in the upper right hand corner of Discord. It will prompt you to name your thread.

Keep in mind threads will disappear from the channel list after a few days of inactivity. They are not gone forever, just archived! Sending a message in them will unarchive them.Tag the people you want to join the thread, or let them know which channel to check. Clicking the same icon you used to create the thread will allow you to view all threads attached to that channel.